With the auto-ideological Problem + Software = Solution kitsch approach in mind. A ‘pataphysical reaction – thinking about software solutions for imaginal problems. miguelsicart.net/publications/PataphysicalSoftware_Accepted.pdf Note – PtPhy as a way of thinking. (..limited to playful?) —— journals.uvic.ca/index.php/ctheory/article/view/14496/5338 a dense text with artaud in mind. a critique of ‘pataphysics. Curious with mentioning of eccentricity connected with […]
Artificial intelligence? Lets try to consider other artificialities – How would an Artificial virtuality think? OK.. Intelligence got replaced by Virtuality. Lets do – How would a Virtual Intelligence think? or, riffing off from virtual real as an artificial real (check the diff that looks like a meshed plastic tree with a wooden made engine) […]
Some terms, words, reveal their sounds via their usage. Grave, or getting moved into a grave, has to do with Gra(ft), aka Graft. Graft got altered into Grift by people in the usa that have caused other humans to move violently into their gave. ie, in some corrupt circumstances, aka “crime world”, the term Gra(ft) […]
Homo-chirality – When molecules could come as twisted either right or left, they spontaneously get naturally produced either right or left all the time. (ie, theoretically sugar molecules could have been twisted both right and left, but when produced without human intervention – they come always twisted to the right.) Here’s a possibly Good-Enough explanation […]
good morning cg Good morning! I’m Assistant, a large language model trained by OpenAI. I’m here to help with any questions you may have. Is there something specific you would like to know? lets write a protocol for writing poems the emanate intelistrophes. Intelistrophes come as the range of occasions where an intelligence considers connection […]
There used to live this character, no.. Scratch “character” off. Replace with Narrative-Person, that i used to know? Nope.. The Thing comes as I Did Not Know them. How could you get to Know a life that moves around wrongly? No. Scratch that one.. Mistakenly instead of wrongly. Lets actually replace Instead with combine. Wromitake?? […]
I try to spin some text in connection with PanOpticOn – that foucault linked concept. Has todo and to-do and to connect with home-ification, aka Domestication. Considering the element of Control and the notion from watching-over while remaining Unseen. So..? So we get the Troll to Control. Trolling online in attempt to control others. Yes, […]
what comes as a difference between Wonky and WonkYY? Let’s begin by claiming that the differences between wonkyy and wonky live as the intervals between wonkk and wonk. there’s a prophecy, a certain conditionality that seems continuesly threaded through various kinds of felctivities. Indeed, the thread can not escape the very range of flections – […]
Wonkk and WonkYY come different to Wonk and Wonky since the 1st pair twists in other ways than the 2nd. These twists, I think, take wonkk and wonkyy slightly away from the tradiional biases we developed for wonky and wonk. Sure, all that might sound a bit of a Wank. however it fails – for […]
IN(to)MORPH(ing)(f)ORMATION ? — riffing off PERformation that focuses on the accomplishment of particular formation – act. and INformation that comes oriented around the instruction of formation (in this context.. sure we can go into theories that distinguish information from other stuff like data, physical objects, and so on. however, perhaps wrongly, i think it’s not […]