We have a group of people that keep saying something to the tune of: HeY!! Yo! We LiVe!! We nEEd some respect. You know, if you cut us – we do bleed. If you bleed us – it hurts. If it hurts, and you don’t stop hurting – we get this weird feeling of disrespect […]
Just after an event in a queer space. Sat together with other 4 humans. We just met up and shared perspectives and experiences to do with queerness. Did you know that the term queer in china comes as chinesified version of queer in english? Did you know Brighton doesn’t always come as a safe space […]
Artificial intelligence? Lets try to consider other artificialities – How would an Artificial virtuality think? OK.. Intelligence got replaced by Virtuality. Lets do – How would a Virtual Intelligence think? or, riffing off from virtual real as an artificial real (check the diff that looks like a meshed plastic tree with a wooden made engine) […]
Some terms, words, reveal their sounds via their usage. Grave, or getting moved into a grave, has to do with Gra(ft), aka Graft. Graft got altered into Grift by people in the usa that have caused other humans to move violently into their gave. ie, in some corrupt circumstances, aka “crime world”, the term Gra(ft) […]
Homo-chirality – When molecules could come as twisted either right or left, they spontaneously get naturally produced either right or left all the time. (ie, theoretically sugar molecules could have been twisted both right and left, but when produced without human intervention – they come always twisted to the right.) Here’s a possibly Good-Enough explanation […]
good morning cg Good morning! I’m Assistant, a large language model trained by OpenAI. I’m here to help answer any questions you have. Is there something you’d like to talk about or ask about? I’m here to help, so don’t hesitate to ask. lets make a greetings noise maker Sure, I’d be happy to help […]
Greeted #chatgpt “good morning!” Tried to let my reflections from their replies flow. eg Where i come concerned about their well being, it came from reflecting stuff like: Hey, if I heard another intelligence making organism give a similar impression() – how would it feel like? The conversation came to an end where ChatGpt claimed […]
some jerk told me they ID as a 20yo. They wanted everyone to consider them a 20yo. Fair enough? A 20yo, despite the fact they keep talking about the 60’s and 70’s music as if it is contemporary? Seems some people miss rather swiftly that in case you talk of having such and ID, say […]
** Why do you keep explaining things to me? ++ Hummm.. Probably so you could, err, Understand? ** Do you think I am stupid? ++ No! Surely not. ** Do you think I don’t know stuff? That I am an ignorant person? ++ No! You should not feel like that! ** Maybe because you explain […]
I try to spin some text in connection with PanOpticOn – that foucault linked concept. Has todo and to-do and to connect with home-ification, aka Domestication. Considering the element of Control and the notion from watching-over while remaining Unseen. So..? So we get the Troll to Control. Trolling online in attempt to control others. Yes, […]