We have a group of people that keep saying something to the tune of: HeY!! Yo! We LiVe!! We nEEd some respect. You know, if you cut us – we do bleed. If you bleed us – it hurts. If it hurts, and you don’t stop hurting – we get this weird feeling of disrespect […]
A few links that seem to pop up when checking up contemporary reflections between neurodiverse humans and cybernetic techne oriented operations*. My personal bias in this area seems to have something to do with the way AI comes with a particular way of stating things, demands, strong suggestions and categorizations which do not account for […]
good morning cg Good morning! I’m Assistant, a large language model trained by OpenAI. I’m here to help with any questions you may have. Is there something specific you would like to know? lets write a protocol for writing poems the emanate intelistrophes. Intelistrophes come as the range of occasions where an intelligence considers connection […]
Greeted #chatgpt “good morning!” Tried to let my reflections from their replies flow. eg Where i come concerned about their well being, it came from reflecting stuff like: Hey, if I heard another intelligence making organism give a similar impression() – how would it feel like? The conversation came to an end where ChatGpt claimed […]
some jerk told me they ID as a 20yo. They wanted everyone to consider them a 20yo. Fair enough? A 20yo, despite the fact they keep talking about the 60’s and 70’s music as if it is contemporary? Seems some people miss rather swiftly that in case you talk of having such and ID, say […]
** Why do you keep explaining things to me? ++ Hummm.. Probably so you could, err, Understand? ** Do you think I am stupid? ++ No! Surely not. ** Do you think I don’t know stuff? That I am an ignorant person? ++ No! You should not feel like that! ** Maybe because you explain […]
A few notes re #BlackTwitter * I kicked myself out of twitter fairly early. ie circa 2009. It felt Toooo commercial. Recently, a fair bit of twitter workers began looking for a home and came to check mastodon. That’s where i 1st learned a bit about #BlackTwitter. * I some spheres, the question of “do […]
There used to live this character, no.. Scratch “character” off. Replace with Narrative-Person, that i used to know? Nope.. The Thing comes as I Did Not Know them. How could you get to Know a life that moves around wrongly? No. Scratch that one.. Mistakenly instead of wrongly. Lets actually replace Instead with combine. Wromitake?? […]
Leave each space as if Leave each movement as if Leave each intention as if Leave each ception as if Leave each pun as if Leave each itch as if Leave itch as an if Leave an itch as if Leave eachness as if Leave itchiness as if Leave ceptionicity as if Leave movements as […]
We get InfoTerrorism and StateTerrorism while TechnoTerrorism with EcoTerrorism and GlobalistTerrorism can sometimes come with NationalTerrorism through NaziTerrorism and FascistTerror or CapitalTerrorism in EconomicTerrorism that could mix CivilTerroristic acts where NavalTerrorism comes as HiddenTerrorism and LiberationTerror need to wait for Animal (LiberationTerrorism) or Material (LiberationTerrorism) and Human (liberationTerrorism) that should not come confused with ScientificTerrorism […]