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‘pataphysics – a few links

With the auto-ideological Problem + Software = Solution kitsch approach in mind.
A ‘pataphysical reaction – thinking about software solutions for imaginal problems.

Note – PtPhy as a way of thinking. (..limited to playful?)



a dense text with artaud in mind. a critique of ‘pataphysics. Curious with mentioning of eccentricity connected with Defining One’s Self by Own Terms – hence lack of existence, to put mildly..
,,,imaginary solutions for an absence of problems*.

(we do need other lingos that describe* our lingos..)
* describe rather than define..



Some focus on the absurd in ‘pataphysics.

(i wonder = i live between a queer, a wonky and an absurd?)


Discordianism and ‘Pataphysics?
byu/Judge_Sherbert indiscordian

