Following a late early night to and fro with a friend, a few questions to do with “violence from marginality”(*) via gender oriented queer and transness came into focus. Since the notion of violence* in this context doesn’t seem to have many specific links*, it occurred that maybe the bit that dealt with marginality (violent […]
asked chatgpt who did some work around artificiology. they decided that artificiology stems from Artificial + Sociology. hence moved on to offer some people who check AI from a human sociological perspective. people with some critical reflections about AI. a few links? — ————- — — — Making AI Safe in an Unpredictable World: […]
links to do with culture/nature divide while thinking about a missing bit. is it another misleading binary when considering the domestic..?? Redefining Nature: Ecology, Culture and Domestication – Coexisting with Wolves in Cultural Landscapes: Fences as Communicative Devices – A walk on the wild side: a critical geography of domestication – […]
good morning cg Good morning! I’m Assistant, a large language model trained by OpenAI. I’m here to help answer any questions you have. Is there something you’d like to talk about or ask about? I’m here to help, so don’t hesitate to ask. lets make a greetings noise maker Sure, I’d be happy to help […]
good morning cg Good morning! I’m Assistant, a large language model trained by OpenAI. I’m here to help with any questions you may have. Is there something specific you would like to know? lets write a protocol for writing poems the emanate intelistrophes. Intelistrophes come as the range of occasions where an intelligence considers connection […]
Greeted #chatgpt “good morning!” Tried to let my reflections from their replies flow. eg Where i come concerned about their well being, it came from reflecting stuff like: Hey, if I heard another intelligence making organism give a similar impression() – how would it feel like? The conversation came to an end where ChatGpt claimed […]
some jerk told me they ID as a 20yo. They wanted everyone to consider them a 20yo. Fair enough? A 20yo, despite the fact they keep talking about the 60’s and 70’s music as if it is contemporary? Seems some people miss rather swiftly that in case you talk of having such and ID, say […]
AI text production in various forms. Are we going to have fairly literally, personal Ghost writers? About: The First Novel Written by AI Is Hereāand It’s as Weird as You’d Expect It to Be AI Will Make Human Novels Obsolete Can AI writing software create compelling fiction? An author’s review of Jasper/Jarvis AI […]
** Why do you keep explaining things to me? ++ Hummm.. Probably so you could, err, Understand? ** Do you think I am stupid? ++ No! Surely not. ** Do you think I don’t know stuff? That I am an ignorant person? ++ No! You should not feel like that! ** Maybe because you explain […]
Links to do with grief to do with the inspiring earth’s climate against supporting life as we know and like. Earth-grief: Conversations for revealing and healing our kinship (reflections on loss sensations with environmental grief in mind. done during covid..) Glacier Funerals Offer a Way of Coping With Ecological Grief (a meta climate grief […]