“I love you, my little faggot”, they said with a familiarly warm smile and a hand that never fails to smooth their movements through my skin. Liquidising my body into life.
A few nights prior, a few guys shouted “Faggot!!” just down the road from here.
Why do you call me a Faggot?
Yeaha! what will you do?!?!? Hey?? Cancel all 3 of us??!!
Check thus. Not just online, some humans actually believe there’s something they call
“Cancel Culture”
It has a certain rhythmically to it.
“Cancel Culture” “Cancel Culture” “Cancel Culture” “Cancel Culture”, “Cancel Culture” “Cancel Culture”, “Cancel Culture” “Cancel Culture””Cancel Culture”, “Cancel Culture””Cancel Culture”, “Cancel Culture””Cancel Culture”
Alliteration baby, not much of an alligator nor an Alien.
Did you know that cancellation can connect with Incarceration? Both come from humans thinking of lattices. Lines and bars making.
Do I look like some kind of a Police for you?
Yeha! The Cancel-Police!!
However, look. I have no power only force.
It seems a bit curious that humans who use the term “cancel culture” seemingly ignorantly, ie actually try to think of the phrase, tend to feel aggrieved via feelings that they
“Can not express themselves Freely”.
I should be able to say whatever, and if it’s uncomfortable to hear – then maybe you should learn.
Do you think me going:
I really do think You Are a piece of Shit – comes as something comfortable for you to hear?
If i thought you think like that, i’d kill you!
Do you think maybe it’s something you need to hear? Proof being it’s not feeling comfortable.
Perhaps it’s disrespectful??
Perhaps it is. Now.. How would You tell me I am a piece of shit Respectfully? (a faggot after all comes from a piles of poo.)
Would you want to live with me in a culture of disrespect?
What do you want to do when someone comes reeling into culture and social life a constant, relentless, ongoing, violent and un abating attitudes that seek ways of Ignoring humans other then themselves.
I don’t Ignore You!
Well.. You just called me a faggot – ignored my humanity – and a “cancel culture” pusher – a term You made up to name me, while all this time I think we both fancy a bit of r.e.s.p.e.c.t..
If you really need to call me names, perhaps 1st become my lover?