we have so called Art in Public (spaces).
Public Art.
Could have been imagined as:
Art in the commons. (as in commons’ spaces.
Commons’ Art – as in artistic endeavours from commons’ spaces-places. (Splaces)
Notice these are not some semantic differences IMHO.
Art in public spaces can come as someone sitting with a typewriter in a cafe and streaming the sounds via some algorithm. (Cafe is a (3rd) public space.)
They could place a typewriter on a traffic light and stream pre-recorded sounds of typing.
(That’s a Public splace – a traffic light that is yet to be bought by some advert company..)
Public Art could be something that engages with the very PublicNess of the splace, gesture and activity. Like when we
place our typewriter on a plinth in a public space.
humans come chosen by a type algorithm that recognises types of typing (on a machine) as a way to sort humans into types..
See, someone seems to maintain that plinth, and allows it to be public. This tends to come with a price of controlling what may – or may not – go on that publically maintained plinth.
A difference between the plinth maintained – and something like a road, comes via questions of functional necessity.
I’d say that in case we did not have a road, there will be – in that settlement/town/city some kinf of a path open to be used by everyone. Unfortunately, we might not have a plinth open to be used by everyone.
It’s a thin line – however, i think it’s kinda there. Not so much by need as via certain traditions and cultures of perception.
Now, in that common splace, a road/path, someone could do a so called Art-in-the-Common. Like Art in public, ti might not need to engage it’s commonNess.
I think that a Commons’ Art – will, like a Public Art, connect in various ways with questions in the range of common-sensasions. (aka commonNess)
I’d like to bring these fluctuations, the flexes, into some kind of a life – as a way to do stuff with imagination in the public, in the commons, with the differences between spheres of personal, public and common bodies.
There are:
a table top.
weights to open/shut windows.
a cup.